Art Classes

Introduction to Oil Painting with Jolene Mackie
Join Jolene Mackie for this three week series to introduce you to the beautiful medium of oil paints! We will cover a variety of tools and techniqu...

MIXING COLOR with Ann Willsie
This workshop will focus on color – and Ann will talk about values; saturation (intensity) of colors; how to create those luscious greys; the diff...

Professional Artist Development Seminar & Critique with Pennylane Shen
Navigating the Art Industry: Professional Practices for Artists with Pennylane Shen
This unique 3-hour seminar is designed and instructed by indust...

How to Create Light With Color with Ann Willsie
How do we capture light on our canvas? We see light all around us, but it is a challenge to portray that light on our two-dimensional canvas. And...